Why I Decided to Homeschool My Kids

Today we will be commencing our homeschooling journey. I’ve always wanted to homeschool but back in 2014, when it was time for my daughter to enroll in school, I hesitated because of the opinions of those around me. Over the years, this desire has only gotten stronger and I feel like I owe it to myself and my kids to try it out for at least an year. Especially over the past year, I’ve realized homeschooling could possibly be a better option for my kids; at least during the elementary school years when they are the most impressionable and their curiosity and potential to learn is at a natural high.

The most popular question I received in regards to my decision to homeschool was why I chose to do it. Here’s why:

1. I want to be the strongest influence in my children’s lives. This is difficult when they are away from home for 6.5 hours out of the hours in a day that they are awake. School and their peers are strong influences due to the time spent away from home, however the environment that the kids are immersed in at school doesn’t always align with our values and at times even conflicts.

2. Homeschooling allows flexibility. Udayan is extremely bright and needs a lot more of a challenge and that’s something I’d be able to offer through homeschooling. Akshaya typically misses a lot of school, sometimes a week to two at a time, due to trouble controlling asthma. This year the stress of having to get better quickly to return to school, and catching up on missed work won’t be an issue. The kids’ education will essentially be catered to them as I will be adjusting the curriculum to suit skill level as well as interest. This is obviously difficult to do in a school environment where teachers have many students, limited time, a set curriculum, and are required to teach the average student.

3. I want my kids to have more time to explore their interests, do the things they love, and bond together. Typically afterschool, the kids are exhausted and there is very little to no time to rest, talk, pursue other interests, and spend quality time together before rushing off to bed so that we stay on schedule. Because home-school learning is one-on-one, lessons can be completed faster. The remainder of the time can be used to pursue interests/hobbies. We plan on learning horticulture, botany, piano, Tamil and French, religion, cooking in addition to incorporating a lot more yoga and meditation, as well as charity work this year.

4. I want my kids to experience a slower-paced lifestyle. I believe mornings should be calm and serene, not hectic with me hurrying the kids trying to get out the door on time. We definitely needed a break from the morning rush. .

We are definitely looking forward to seeing what this academic year has in store for us.

Best wishes to all the students and teachers going back to school and the little ones starting school for the first time today. May you all have a very successful academic year ahead!

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