As far as I can remember I have always been a spiritual person, trying to unravel the mystery of our existence, learning about and making …
Four Things I Ask My Children to do Daily
There are four things I ask my children to do every day so that they can grow into being the best versions of themselves. 1) …
Udayan’s 6th and Achyuthan’s 2nd Birthday Party
Having two boys, with birthdays three weeks of eachother equals to one big birthday party for both. However, since the boys are four years apart, …
Why I Cried When My Daughter was Born – A Mother’s Note on International Woman’s Day
What’s the greatest lesson a woman should learn? That since day one. She’s already had everything she needs within herself. It’s the world that convinced …
5 Things I Failed to do as a New Mom
We are cautioned not to have regrets because what is done is done and there is nothing you can do to change the past. But sometimes …
Breast or Bottle, Fed is Best
Word Breastfeeding Week just passed and although I wanted to desperately write a post in honour of it, I couldn’t find the words to write what I …
The Jai Jais Book Series – REVIEW
Religion and culture was always an important part of my upbringing so it is not really a surprise that it is an equally important part of …
Raising A Daughter
A few months back I wrote the post, Raising Men, which received a lot of great feedback and sparked worthwhile discussions amongst young mothers, women, and …
The Toka Box: A Subscription Box for South-Asian Children
As a South-Asian mom, I strive to teach my children as much as I can about the rich and diverse culture of their ancestors but more …
Baby Vishnu: An Update
In just five days, my youngest baby will be turning a year old and I’m still in awe over how quickly we have gotten to …