Your daughter will be born
With fire in her heart
A force to be reckoned with
She should be told so from the start
But the world will make her doubt
The vastness of her power
Convince her she is fragile enough to shatter
And in need of a knight in shining armour
As if a man’s love is the only way to complete her
Slowly extinguishing the flames within her
Covering her in a veil of deceit
Until she can see no further
Than what’s been sold to her
When you notice that fire starving
And the flicker in her eyes dimming,
Teach her to build herself up
Like a fortress, from the ground up
On affirmations and self-love
So those flames remain burning
For that fire is her shield and sword
And her protection from the world
The origin of her strength
And the courage to slay dragons
She will go on to weave her own inspiring tale
In which she saves herself and prevails
From your daughter, expect no less
For she is both warrior and princess.
To Those Who Birth Daughters