Your daughter will be born With fire in her heart A force to be reckoned with She should be told so from the start But the world will make …
The Voice of a Woman
They tell me to quiet down, Talk softly My voice, too intense Too intimidating for those around me Don’t speak back My opinions are better …
The Phoenix Resides in all of Us
My heart is wild Like fire, it rages Scorched by flames It cannot be tamed I’m wary of flames Yet they engulf me What’s brittle …
My Daughter’s Skin
My daughter tells me, My skin is prettier than hers I look at her confused She has honey-coloured skin so flawless, it glows I love …
Your First Period – A Letter to My Daughter
A few days ago, a follower mentioned that her 9-year old daughter had gotten her first period and it really got me thinking. My daughter …
Please do not tell me I’m not like other women. They are all my sisters. I choose to stand with women. I cry with women …
A Poem for My Daughter on International Women’s Day
Dear Daughter, We women are born with magic inside us. We are made of stardust and Shakthi – the divine energy of the Mother Goddess. …
A Poem for My Sons on International Women’s Day
Dear boy child, Come sit in my kitchen. Let me teach you about menstruation, pregnancy, and the sacrifices made by women. Let me tell you …